Marketing spend online and offline Source :  The Economist 

Ne Shqiperi megjithe aksesin ne internet dhe popullimin ne mediat sociale, bizneset ende nuk po e bejne pjese te strategjise se rritjes dhe zhvillimit te tyre, prezencen online. Pavaresisht indrustrise, prezenca online e biznesit eshte sot nje domosdoshmeri. Por ajo qe eshte e rendesishme eshte se cfare po i sjell biznesit tuaj kjo prezence online.

Pak biznese, per te mos thene asnje, kane nje strategji per permbajtjen dhe marketingun online (Content Marketing). E ne kohen kur feed/ teresia e lajmeve e burimeve qe ne ndjekim eshte e tejmbushur me informacion lind pyetja: si mund te terheqim vemendjen e audiences tone, si mund te rrisim komunitetin tone online? Per kete nevojitet nje strategji per permbajtjen apo (content marketing) e shkruar dhe kuruar qe duhet te permbaje mesazhet per audiencen specifike, shpeshtesine, kanalin e pershtatshem dhe kohen e duhur kur do percillet ky mesazh.

Dhe ne fund te dites, duhet monitorim i te gjitha aktivitetit tone online. Te gjitha plarformat jane te pajisura me analytics, te dhena dhe statistika per postimin tuaj qe ka patur me shume reagime/ komente/ likes/ reteweet. Analiza te ndihmon ta aplifikosh kete sukses dhe ta perseritesh.

Nga ana tjeter vlen te analizohet se cili nga burimet qe ju perdorni eshte me efektiv, twitter, Facebook apo instagram/pinterest? Sa nga keta vizitojne faqen (nepermjet Google analytics) dhe cilet jane vizitoret me cilesore, qe shpenzojne me shume kohe ne faqe dhe qe ndermarrin nje veprim. Ne varesi te kesaj analize duhet te veme me shume perpjekje ne ate kanal qe na sjell vizitoret cilesore. Pra nepermjet analytics shohim cfare kemi arritur dhe vendosim ku duhet te shkojme.

Manderina Promotions eshte specializuar pikerisht ne keto dy fusha: permbajtje dhe analize ( Content Marketing dhe Analytics). Pa nje permbajtje unike, dhe pa analizuar audiencen dhe rezultatet e prezences tende online, nje biznes nuk ka nje te ardhme online. Marketingu sot po zhvillohet me shume online, aty jane njerezit, vizitoret, klientet. Ne grafikun me siper nga The Economist shihet si kane ndryshuar shpenzimet per marketingun neper kanale te ndryshme ne vitet e fundit dhe marketingu online eshte ne rritje.

Your business is online but have no marketing strategy ?

Despite the access to internet and population of social media channels, businesses in Albania still do not consider online marketing part of their growth strategy. No matter what the industry is, online presene of a business is a must. But the most important thing is what does this online presence bring to the business itself.

A few business, have an online content and marketing strategy. At the time when our feed is overloaded with information some questions arise: how can we draw our attention of  our audience, how can we grow our online community?  A content marketing strategy is needed for every business to succeed. It should be well written and well curated and should contain messages for the specific audience, as well as frequency of messages, the distribution channels and the suggested best time to give this message.

At the end of the day, monitoring of all online efforts is most needed. All platforms have their analytic dashboard on best post/tweet, number of likes/shares/re-tweets and the sentiment. By analyzing this data we understand what was a success, in order to amplify and repeat it and  what as failure, so that we can avoid.

An important aspect of such analysis which one of the sources was more effective in your communications: Twitter, Facebook  Instagram or Pinterest. How many of  our fans/ followers have visited our site (through Google Analytics)  and among them how many are quality visitors, those visitors who spend more time on site or take an action. Based on this analysis, we realize what is the best channel and we should put most of our efforts at the one who brings us more qualitative lead.  Put simply we see where are we so that we could decide were do we want to go.  

Manderina Promotions is specialized in these two fields: content  marketing and analysis. Without  unique content and  such analysis,  a business can not succeed online. Marketing is nowadays been moved online, as there are the people, the visitors and clients.  In the above graph by The Economist it is shown how the marketing spend has varied through years shifting from traditional channels to online channels, and online marketing spend is rapidly increasing.